Saturday, November 05, 2005

Emma and Maggie - First Day of School

So the twins had their first day of school (back in September), and it was short lived. They lasted a total of one day! We're hoping that next year is different, but they did not want to be there at all. Two weeks later we would drive by their school building, and they would say "I no go to school". It was obviously very truamatic for them. Oh well, maybe next time.

Other than that, they are doing very well. A little sick at the beggining of this cold season, but they are getting so big, and overall are pretty healthy.

We measured them the other day, and they both have grown about 4 inches in the past 11 months. It doesn't sond like a lot, but when you see it on their growth chart, it looks like it would be painful! Posted by Picasa

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